
  1. February 01, 2022

    Tiny camera uses metasufrace to emulate a conventional lens

    Researchers at Princeton University and the University of Washington have developed an ultracompact camera the size of a coarse grain of salt. The system relies on a technology called a metasurface, which is studded with 1.6 million cylindrical posts and can be produced much like a computer chip. [Image courtesy of the researchers]

    New camera fabrication technique yields camera 1/500,000 the volume of a conventional camera. It has 1.6 million cylinders which make up the "lens". Each pillar is the size of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It will be very interesting to see what lies behind the lens and how data is processed.

    The image below showing a previous metasurface camera and the right showing the improved technique. Previous micro-sized cameras (left) captured fuzzy, distorted images with limited fields of view. A new system called neural nano-optics (right) can produce crisp, full-color images on par with a conventional compound camera lens. [Image courtesy

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  2. July 03, 2021

    QKits moves to a new site

    Hello, we have been busy getting our new site up and running. We have reduced the number of categories assuming most people will use the search. QKits will start to offer assembly for surface mount jobs, we have a Samsung CP45 which handles a large variety of components. To date we only assemble product that we design for customers, however we will test the waters and see how it goes. If you're a business and would like to have someone in Canada or North America do your assembly, maybe we can help. Passives will be included so you only need to worry about your specific parts. We can hold your stock of PCB's and parts and produce lots on your request or by schedule. To start we will work with others who have small volumes. We will also try to produce more made in North America content to offer customers like yourself.
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  3. July 02, 2021

    RF tracking of objects.

    Did you know that ON semi has a special line of products for indoor positioning called IPS? It can track items down to cm resolution. Check out their web site if you want to know more. QT1 allows you to build this technology into your device or project. Uses Bluetooth nRF52832 to achieve up to 50 updates per second. Module includes Button, LED, Accelerometer, I/O Pins, Quuppa Firmware Library Compatibility for creating your own solutions. While we do not offer this product we do get a lot of request for tracking devices. Visit
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